Let’s Talk Bookish – December 2022 topics

Hello, and happy Saturday! I had Thursday and Friday off of school, which was really nice, so I’ve been able to catch up a bit with blog stuff! I am a bit late getting the December LTB topics posted though, but I’m really excited for you all to see them. I think the December topics are going to be really fun, and I can’t wait to see all the discussions over each topic!!

Let’s Talk Bookish is a bookish meme that was created by Rukky @ Eternity Books where each Friday, bloggers write posts discussing the topic of the week. Since the beginning of April, I’ve been the host of LTB, and I post each month’s topics here on my blog!

I also have an archive of the topics on my blog, which you can find in the menu! My archive has the topics from April 2022 and all months going forwards, and all previous topics can be found on Rukky’s blog!

Thank you so much to Fives, Hannah and Jillian for suggesting our topics for December! If you’d like to suggest a topic, you can do so using the Google Form linked at the end of this post.

 December 2: Can You Predict Someone’s Genre of Choice? (Fives @ Down the Rabbit Hole)

Prompts: What is your favorite genre and why? Is there a reason why those particular genres speak to you or capture your interest? What is your least favorite genre and why? Is the genre the biggest determination of whether you look for and choose a book, or is it something else? Do you find that you are able to predict what kind of genres people like based on their personalities? Do you notice patterns in which kinds of people like certain genres?

December 9: Books as Gifts (Hannah @ Hannah’s Library)

Prompts: Do books make good gifts? Do you ever give or receive books as gifts? Would you rather receive a book from your wish list or be surprised? What would you do if you didn’t like the book you were given? Would you expect someone to read a book you got them right away?

December 16: Banning Books (Jillian @ Jillian the Bookish Butterfly)

Prompts: Do you think banning books is fair? Should students be allowed to read what they want and be able to get it from their school library? In a more broad sense, how do you feel about books that have been “banned?” Do you think that it’s a crime to ban a book, no matter what it contains, or are there cases where it’s alright? 

December 23: Holiday Books (Aria ~ me)

Prompts: Christmas books and movies dominate the media during the winter season, but Christmas isn’t the only holiday being celebrated. Do you like reading holiday books at all? Have you ever read a holiday book about another religion? What about a holiday book not set during the winter season? If you’re religious but don’t celebrate Christmas, do you feel represented in the holiday media?

December 30: 2022 Reading & Blogging Reflections

Prompts: Happy almost New Year’s Eve! How many books did you read in 2022? Did you meet your reading goals? What were some of your favorites? What were your least favorite books you read this year? How did you feel about your blogging in 2022? What are your favorite posts you wrote in 2022? What are some of your favorite posts from the community that you read this year?

Even if you don’t participate by writing LTB discussions, if you have any suggestions or ideas for topics, so you can share your ideas using the google form below!

What do you think of the topics for December? Do you participate in LTB? Chat with me in the comments below!

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