Let’s Talk Bookish – November 2022 topics

Hello! I just finished reading Frankenstein for my English class, and it was a really great book! I thought it was really interesting, and I enjoyed reading it. I have also had a lot of homework, and lots of stuff going on, so this post is coming out a few days later than planned. I am very excited to share November’s LTB topics with you all though, so let’s get right into the post!

Let’s Talk Bookish is a bookish meme that was created by Rukky @ Eternity Books where each Friday, bloggers write posts discussing the topic of the week. Since the beginning of April, I’ve been the host of LTB, and I post each month’s topics here on my blog!

I also have an archive of the topics on my blog, which you can find in the menu! My archive has the topics from April 2022 and all months going forwards, and all previous topics can be found on Rukky’s blog!

Thank you so much to Jillian, Mikaela and Nicole for suggesting our topics for November! If you’d like to suggest a topic, you can do so using the Google Form linked at the end of this post.

 November 4: How Do You Define Your Personal Reading Tastes? (Jillian @ Jillian the Bookish Butterfly)

Prompts: How would you define your personal reading tastes? What kinds of books do you like to read? How do you pick what books to read next? Do your reading preferences change often?

November 11:Do you use your local library? (Mikaela @ Mikaela Reads)

Prompts: Do you have a local library you go to often? Does your school/did your school have a library? What are your favorite things about libraries? Are there certain books you borrow from your local library more or less often than others?

November 18: Gatekeeping in the Book Community (Nicole @ Thoughts Stained With Ink)

Prompts: Are there times where you have noticed gatekeeping in the book blogging community? What about in the publishing industry as a whole? What does this gatekeeping look like? How can we combat this?

November 25: Books That You’re Grateful For

Prompts: What are some books that you’re grateful for? What books have had the biggest impact on your life?  How did you discover them?

Even if you don’t participate by writing LTB discussions, if you have any suggestions or ideas for topics, so you can share your ideas using the google form below!

What do you think of the topics for November? Do you participate in LTB? Chat with me in the comments below!

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