Let’s Talk Bookish – October 2022 topics

Hello! I hope that you’re having a good Monday so far. I’ve been doing a lot of blog-related stuff, and I also read a bit more of Monsters of Men, by Patrick Ness. It’s really good, and I’m excited to finish it! Today, I have the LTB topics for October! I can’t wait to see all of your thoughts on these topics, so here they are.

Let’s Talk Bookish is a bookish meme that was created by Rukky @ Eternity Books where each Friday, bloggers write posts discussing the topic of the week. Since the beginning of April, I’ve been the host of LTB, and I post each month’s topics here on my blog!

I also have an archive of the topics on my blog, which you can find in the menu! My archive has the topics from April 2022 and all months going forwards, and all previous topics can be found on Rukky’s blog!

Thank you so much to Mint, Anna and Hannah for suggesting our topics for October! If you’d like to share a topic, you can do so using the Google Form linked at the end of this post.

 October 7: DNFing books (Mint @ Mint Loves Books)

Prompts: DNF is an acronym that stands for did not finish. What makes you DNF a book? How often do you DNF books? What’s the silliest or pettiest reason why you DNF’d a book? Do you review books that you DNF?

October 14: Can you write whatever you want? (Anna)

Prompts: Can bloggers just write whatever they want? Or are there boundaries they should respect even on their own platform? If a blogger is called out for something they post, are they obligated to respond?

October 21: Do book titles matter? (Hannah @ Hannah’s Library)

Prompts: How much do book titles matter? Have you ever read or not read a book based on the title alone? Do you like long or short book titles better? Do you think the title has to connect to the story in some way? What are some of your favorite book titles?

October 28: Halloween Freebie!

Halloween is in just a couple of days, so this Friday, write about whatever spooky-season topic you want! Some ideas are: your favorite horror novels, favorite fall reads, or your favorite places to read and write in fall!

Even if you don’t participate by writing LTB discussions, if you have any suggestions or ideas for topics, so you can share your ideas using the google form below!

What do you think of the topics for October? Do you participate in LTB? Chat with me in the comments below!

21 thoughts on “Let’s Talk Bookish – October 2022 topics

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