Let’s Talk Bookish – June 2024 topics

Hello, and happy June! Today, I have this month’s LTB topics, which I think are going to be really fun ones – I hope you like them! And as always, you can suggest your own topics in the form linked below.

Also, I’m sorry that these topics are coming so late. Because I got behind with this, the first LTB was just a freebie, but there are topics for the rest of the month. And, I will be getting the July topics out more in advance, so you can look for those here on my blog this weekend.

Let’s Talk Bookish is a bookish meme that was created by Rukky @ Eternity Books where each Friday, bloggers write posts discussing the topic of the week. Since April 2022, I’ve been the host of LTB and post each month’s topics here on my blog!

I also have an archive of the LTB topics here on Book Nook Bits, which you can find in the menu of my blog. My archive has the topics from April 2022 and all months going forwards, and all previous topics can be found on Rukky’s blog.

If you’d like to suggest a topic, you can do so using the Google Form linked at the end of this post.

June 7: Freebie!

Prompts: Since I was behind with the topics for this month, this ended up being a freebie post.  

June 14: Summer Reading Plans!

Prompts: It’s almost summer! What summer reading plans do you have? Any specifically summery books you want to read over the next few months? What makes a book feel summery to you? Any examples?

June 21: Do You Prioritize Diversity in Your Reading? (Jillian @ Jillian the Bookish Butterfly)

Prompts: Diversity and diversity in reading are often huge topics of conversation. Do you actively seek out diverse books? What kind of representation do you look for? Do you feel that diverse books are often spotlighted, or that it takes more of an effort to find diverse books? What recommendations do you have?

June 28: Mid Year Reading Check-In

  Prompts: We’re just about halfway through 2024! Did you set reading goals at the beginning of the year? If so, how are you doing with them? What are the best books you’ve read so far this year? What are the worst ones? What reading goals do you have for the rest of the year?

Even if you don’t participate in writing LTB discussions, if you have any suggestions or ideas for topics, you can share your ideas using the Google form below!

What do you think of the topics for June? Do you participate in LTB? Chat with me in the comments below!

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