My bookish rambles: introducing a new feature!

For a while, I have wanted to do some sort of weekly feature on my blog, and I have finally decided what I am going to do! Every Sunday, I’m going to start bringing to you my bookish rambles, a series where I talk about all sorts of bookish things, things that I think of and want to share, topics that you want to hear my opinion, and book related questions you all have for me.

Where this came from

I am pretty much constantly thinking about books. About reading. About my blog. About posts that I’ve read. And often, those thoughts come and go and will dissapear forever no matter how compelling they feel at the moment. My bookish rambles is going to be, well, by bookish rambles. Each week, I am going to pick a few ideas or thoughts that I’ve had about bookish things, and write them down to share with you!

I also really want to hear from all of you, and have a way to interact with you all more. So when you give me a topic to write about, or ask me a question, I’ll be able to talk about things you’re interested in reading about, and you’ll also get to know me better through my responses!

What those bookish rambles might look like

The topics that I write about could range from why reading while it’s raining outside is one of the most wonderful things in the world, to how I organize my bookshelf. I might talk about one of my favorite reads from the week before, or highlight a new author that I recently discovered.

Because I also want to make this a way for me to talk about topics that interest all of you as well, I’m going to put a form at the end of each post with space for your questions for me, or things you want to know my opinion on.

Basically, these posts aren’t going to be about any one thing in particular, but more about all things bookish that I want to share, and that you want to hear about!

How these posts are going to work

The posts are going to have a pretty simple structure. They are going to actually look pretty similar to this post! At the beginning of each post I’ll put a few paragraphs on what these posts are about. Then, I’ll divide the post up into a few sections, one for each topic. The subject of each section is going to be at the top, in purple, like I have with the headings in this post!

After I go through all of those topics, I will have the form at the end of my post with the place for you to put your questions for me, and topics you want me to talk about. And that’s pretty much it!

To wrap things up…

Basically, this post was explaining the new weekly feature on my blog: every Sunday, I’m going to write a post talking about some bookish topics, and answering some book-related questions! These will be ones that I come up with and find interesting, and also ones that you send me through the form, which I have linked below!

If the form isn’t working, you can fill it out using this link:

Also, if you do fill out the form, I would appreciate it if you could let me know in the comments, since I have had problems with receiving form responses in the past.

What do you think about this new feature? What are some bookish things you’d like to hear my opinion on? Chat with me in the comments below!

24 thoughts on “My bookish rambles: introducing a new feature!

    1. I’m so glad you think so!! And thanks for filling out the form 🙂 I was wondering, did you fill it out using the form or the link. I’ve been having a little trouble getting responses!!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks!! And thanks for filling out the form 🙂 I was wondering, for the sake of figuring out the technology, did you use the link or the form in the post?

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Cool! I am looking forward to the really random ones haha…I prefer reading on a clear day instead of when its raining so I’m curious to hear your thoughts! 😆

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, and thanks! I’m so glad you think so 🙂 Unfortunately I don’t think I received your response, could you let me know what you put in the comments so I can respond to it next week?

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Unfortunately I don’t think that I received your response for some reason. If you want to, you could write what you put in the comments, and I can use it for next week.


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